Been really busy this week packing and preparing to move so no current new photos to share. But I have a few from last month that Kayla took while hanging out at Ann-Marie’s barn. Back in May, Ann-Marie had to deliver a horse to its owner, and Kayla tagged along. At the owner’s barn, Kayla found this barn cat lazily sleeping on the hay. Looks like kitty wasn’t thrilled about being photographed! Rooooaaarrr!
Photo by Kayla.
Post-Processing by me.
Text by Kayla.
I am surprised Kayla did not bring the cat home with her – after all, what’s one more pet and you do have a barn now
Actually, Dad, our barn came with its own barn cat. lol She is actually pretty good at her job, too. In the 2 weeks we have lived here, she has killed 2 mice, 1 bat, and 1 bird.
I just looked at the pictures of the Barn cat and the Mule. Ann Marie had told me about what a great job Kayla did with the photos.
That was my Cat and Mule, by the way, and I wanted to know if Kayla can e-mail me the pictures so I can add them to my collection.
I think I will have Kayla out and take more pictures of my bunch.!!!! Very, very nice.
That’s so cute!!! “Imma lion”. LOL What horse did you drop off there?